King Buddha Yodfa Chulalok the Great, Rama I, established Bangkok as the country's capital and named it Rattanakosin in 1782. He commanded that the grand palace be constructed at the site where the Chinese community had been located. In relocating the people the king allotted them a plot of land for resettlement at Sampheng. Years later, Phraya Rajasetthi, leader of the Sampheng community, submitted his daughter as one of the king's concubines. Known as Chao Chom Manda Jui, she bore him a son who later became the seventh Supreme Patnarch of Rattanakosin Era, namely His Holiness Prince Paramanuchit Chinorot.
Junk trade with China under the tribute payment system of Thonburi Era continued under King Rama I. Trade with China was the country's main source of revenue as Bangkok gradually became one of Southeast Asia's significant junk trade centers. This was achieved through the Thai government's policy to encourage skilled junk traders from China, including navigator, merchants and junk builders, to settle in Bangkok. R
ecord shows that, toward the end of the reign, approximatery 25,000 Chinese were residing in Bangkok.