วันพุธที่ 5 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

The benefit of Lime. The benefit of lime juice

Health benefit of lime.

   There are many impressive health benefits of lime, line is a best disinfectant for your body. The sciencetific of lime’s name called citrus
Aurantilolia, was very well-known
medicinal properties and uses in the
treatment of various diseases for
centuries. Because of lime unique flavor, the lime fruit is widely consumed all over the world and has various cookery  and others uses. 

        The extracted od limes peel or skin, lime essential oil is widely used in aromatherapy and perfumes to soothe headache, relaxation and remove

Here are the benefits using lime.

One : Lime prevent you from scurvy.
By using lime is a well-known cure
for scurvy, a disease which is caused due to the deficiency of vitamin C.                   Scurvy is frequent infections normal cold symptoms, cracked lips and lip corners, ulcers on the tongue and in the mouth. 

It can be scurvy if you see spongy, swollen and bleeding gums.

Two : Lime promote skin care.

Lime rejuvenates the skin and protects
The skin from infections. When applied
Lime externally on the skin, lime acid scrub out  dead cells and cure dandruff, rashesand bruises.

Three : lime ease digestion.  

Lime has an irresistible aroma that causes your mouth to water and this actually primary stimulate digestive system.

Four : Lime help to burn fat.

The citric acid present in
lime is an excellent fat burner by
consume two glasses of warm water with lime juice a day and see remarkable results within a week.

Five : Lime help ease constipation.

An overdose of lime juice With a bit salt also acts as an excellent purgative to relieve constipation.

Six : Lime  reduce diabetes.

High levels of soluble fiber content in limes make lime an ideal dietary to help regulate the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, by reducing the occurrence of blood sugar spikes.

Seven : Lime can reduce from heart disease.

The soluble fiber also eliminates the presence of LDL bad cholesterol by reducing the inflammation of the blood vessels best to lower heart diseases, heart attacks and strokes.

Eight : Lime heal from peptic ulcer.

With lime vitamin C and flavonoids content as antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic, antibiotic and detoxifying agent able to stimulate the healing process of peptic and oral ulcers. 

Lime also work as anti-inflammation to prevent gout especially accumulation of toxin and free radicals.

Nine : Lime relief from congestion

Just scratching the peel of the lime
and inhaling its peel gives immediate relief from congestion and nausea.

Ten : Lime cure from arthritis.

The citric acid found in Limes
is a solvent in which uric acid can
dissolve, thus remove pain and imflammation from arthritis.

Eleven :Lime improve healthy eyes.

Lime antioxidant properties and flavonoids protect eyes from aging and Macular degeneration.

Twelve : Lime helps relief from fever.

Lime is a citrus fruits with rich vitamin C concentrations that naturally lowers
the temperature of the body, thus help to reduce fever.

Thirteen : Lime heal from piles.
Lime can heal piles, an uncomfortable condition that occurs in the anal region.

Fourteen : Lime cure infected water, cholera.

The lime juice, when added to potentially infected water, lime works effectively as a disinfectant.

Fifteen : Urinary disorders.

Thanks to lime high potassium can removal of the toxic substances deposited in kidneys in the urinary bladder. The disinfectant properties help cure urinary infections.

Now we know the huge benefits of lime
Water, start adding some lime juice into water to improve the healthiness of drinking normal water, just like lemon juice.

