วันพุธที่ 5 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

How to cure a hangover quickly, cheap and naturally.

How to cure a hangover quickly, cheap 

and naturally.

There are often occasions where we go out and drink a little too much alcohol. This may be sociable and fun, but often the consequences are felt  in the morning. The awful feeling you get
is known as a “hangover”.  As the alcohol begins to wear off, the liver flushes it out. 

       Leaving you with the usual feelings 
of headaches, nausea, dry mouth, sweating, hunger and dizziness etc. The good news is that there are natural remedies that people can use to get rid of a hangover quick. Let's take a look at todays remedy, you will need seven hundred and fifty milliliters of water.

Ingredients : one inch of sliced fresh ginger, two teaspoons of raw honey, half a teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of pepper.

Method to do.
       Bring pure water to the boil and add the thinly sliced ginger. Lower the heat and simmer for ten minutes. Strain this through a sieve to remove the ginger pieces, afterward add the salt, honey, and pepper. Stir this mixtures well and 

        The ginger helps to soothe the stomach and contains minerals
that help to restore your electrolyte
balance. The water will hydrate you, and the honey help your liver to burn
off any remaining alcohol. The salt and
pepper help boosts electrolytes and
helps you to feel better much more faster.   

        Continue drinking a lot of pure water throughout the day, as a hangover usually involves a lot of dehydration. When drinking in future, be sure to drink water throughout the night between alcohols. 

       This may prevent you from having
a hangover at all. Alternatively you
can should coconut water for a drink if you have some in your home. This quickly restores your electrolyte balance.  If you are hungry, avoid the fatty breakfast that your body 
may be craving. Instead eat healthy
carbohydrates to soothe you stomach.

        Bananas are excellent as bananas contain a lots of potassium that brings your system back to normal.  You can also boil some cabbage and slowly sip the cabbage water for another fast acting cure. This contains powerful 
nutrients that restore your stomach and body to full working order. 

        Always drink responsibly and avoid shots at all cost as these cause rapid dehydration. If you do get roped into drinking a little too much, be sure to drink hale litre of fresh water before sleeping to avoid a harsh hangover.

